About Us

Fidelity Seller is a US based business selling unique and innovative solutions to customers across the country. We’re on a mission to make sure you never have to leave your beloved mattress when you move. Moving a mattress should be as comfortable as crawling into bed.

We love our memory foam mattresses, but we’ve found that moving, packing, and storing them can be a hassle. When it came time for us to put two of our mattresses in temporary storage, we wanted to compress them down into the nice, neat boxes they came in, but we found that there was no readily available solution for us to do that. So, we took initiative to design a DIY solution. We are the manufacturer of Vacuum Mattress bag and also its first customer.

We pride ourselves on having the highest standards for all our products and customer service,as well as having great wholesale prices. We have warehouses located in the United States ready to ship out your orders on stock items usually the same day.